Title: Stash of 3 Flavia coupes and 4 engines for sale...3000 euros Post by: Parisien on 18 January, 2012, 07:18:31 PM http://www.leboncoin.fr/voitures/260611577.htm?ca=18_s
P Title: Re: Stash of 3 Flavia coupes and 4 engines for sale...3000 euros Post by: williamcorke on 18 January, 2012, 07:32:48 PM Absolutely love it. Compare to 'gulp what have I done', the person who buys this lot will go from zero to perdition (or a lifetime supply of bliss) in one easy and relatively cheap leap. 4 Flavia injection engines!!!
I hope the buyer doesn't buy to sell on as parts, but the economics of the deal might suggest that's a sensible thing to do. The way the market has been going the Flavia PF coupe might be due a price rise, and this lifetime supply of them could be a major bargain in 5 years time. Title: Re: Stash of 3 Flavia coupes and 4 engines for sale...3000 euros Post by: Parisien on 18 January, 2012, 07:47:59 PM That would be a triple gulp....and someone ring my physician.
Not clued into whats on the up, but seems a good buy if the bodies aren't all shot nor the engines siezed. P Title: Re: Stash of 3 Flavia coupes and 4 engines for sale...3000 euros Post by: B20B24 on 18 January, 2012, 07:53:34 PM I particularly like the emphasis in the vendor's description that the dust IS the original dust.