Title: Delta GTie and Dedra parts Post by: dar851 on 23 January, 2012, 06:19:15 PM I have a shed full of GTie spares that have to go from a 1987 Delta,I have the four doors and tailgate complete but not perfect for spares or resto,complete dash (rhd)instrument binnacle x2,headlamps,rear crossmember in good condition,loads of interior trim and fixings,switchgear and engine loom,I have towbars for the Delta and a 92 Dedra.Most of the above is free,the doors and tailgate are available for the scrap value,the towbars are £40 each,I would like to move it all on as one lot so reasonable offers are likely to be accepted,contact me on jendareva@aol.com
Title: Re: Delta GTie and Dedra parts Post by: needmorelancias on 27 January, 2012, 11:34:26 PM hiya. whereabouts are you located?? thanks
Title: Re: Delta GTie and Dedra parts Post by: dar851 on 31 January, 2012, 02:22:15 PM Hello needmorelancias,I am in the Forest of Dean,Gloucestershire,cheers.
Title: Re: Delta GTie and Dedra parts Post by: dar851 on 04 February, 2012, 08:22:11 PM with regard to the Delta parts if anyone is interested in anything I have please let me know,I would prefer to see it go to a good home rather than the scrapman.