Title: Trio of Aurelia brochures/adverts - 2 BUY now for £10! Post by: Parisien on 25 January, 2012, 10:28:26 PM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1950-Lancia-Aurelia-1754-Berlina-Cabriolet-Prestige-FIRST-Brochure-Italian-/350527235957?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519d0d2775
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1954-Lancia-Aurelia-GT2500-Coupe-Inskip-Brochure-/290662138805?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43acd043b5 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1955-Lancia-Aurelia-GT2500-Spyder-Inskip-Brochure-/370579615570?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5648442f52 Hope of interest to someone. P Title: Re: Trio of Aurelia brochures/adverts - 2 BUY now for £10! Post by: JohnMillham on 26 January, 2012, 08:44:41 AM The seller, Walter Miller, was once a member of the LMC with an Augusta. I wonder if he still has it?
According to the new membership list, we no longer have any American Members. Can this be true? Regards, John Title: Re: Trio of Aurelia brochures/adverts - 2 BUY now for £10! Post by: johnturner on 26 January, 2012, 03:15:18 PM No, David Adams in Maine is still a member, so we have at least one.
John Title: Re: Trio of Aurelia brochures/adverts - 2 BUY now for £10! Post by: JohnMillham on 26 January, 2012, 03:23:43 PM I see there are still a few American members, thank goodness, but they aren't listed by their country.