Title: Aurelia driveshafts Post by: Sebastien on 30 January, 2012, 03:12:59 PM May I point out an article on a most important topic, just published by my good friend Geoffrey Goldberg on his website:
http://web.me.com/geoffreyg/Aurelia_Tips_/driveshafts.html This should be essential reading to technically minded Aurelia owners (all of them?) Title: Re: Aurelia driveshafts Post by: Parisien on 30 January, 2012, 03:36:42 PM Geoff has lots of very good info, pics and advice on his website......no doubt I will read over his fulsome explanations when the time is right.
P Title: Re: Aurelia driveshafts Post by: Niels Jonassen on 30 January, 2012, 10:22:05 PM Geoff's article is very thorough and informative. Allow me to mention that the early transmissions had two different ways of centering. One was with the bronze bushes mention by Geoff, another was with hardened steel bushes. As far as I know the steel bushes are not available any longer. I have successfully exchanged mine for bronze bushes. As far as I remember one has to change the centering pins also.
Title: Re: Aurelia driveshafts Post by: GG on 31 January, 2012, 04:41:05 AM thanks for all the kind words. The earlier bushes (if the s.2 is any indication) are more like paper thin bushings, about 1" long, and very thin (1/32", even with a bit of a taper). The later bushes (up to s.4) are bronze "O rings", but squared off. Different altogether.
Glad you are all finding it useful! Geoff Title: Re: Aurelia driveshafts Post by: B20B24 on 31 January, 2012, 08:47:08 AM Excellent article. We have just completed eradication of a bad vibration on the B24S, 2500-4000rpm range, which was partly cured by flywheel balancing but the major culprit was the clutch being out of balance. Getting there was hugely time consuming I have to say, by far the largest job in the restoration of the car!