Title: Aprilia wins Winter Marathon Post by: williamcorke on 15 February, 2012, 05:24:25 PM (http://cdn.classicandsportscar.com/sites/classicandsportscar.com/files/imagecache/News_lead_image/classic-marathon-lead.jpg)
C&SC has the story here - http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/historic-motor-sport/heavy-snow-produces-best-ever-winter-marathon (http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/historic-motor-sport/heavy-snow-produces-best-ever-winter-marathon) Title: Re: Aprilia wins Winter Marathon Post by: Scott on 15 February, 2012, 05:36:20 PM Well done that Aprilia!
These guys do pretty well as I think they won a few years back too. Title: Re: Aprilia wins Winter Marathon Post by: lancialulu on 15 February, 2012, 07:22:07 PM The Aprilias are brilliant too :D