Title: Donington Historic Post by: andymc on 23 February, 2012, 08:47:24 PM Would there be any support for an LMC presence here?
Nice and central and May can often be a good month weather wise. If it could be arranged a presence on a single day might guarantee a better turn out. http://www.doningtonhistoric.com/ Andy Title: Re: Donington Historic Post by: Jolly_Club_6 on 24 February, 2012, 01:25:35 AM Date noted in diary, deffinately interested, hope the Integrale is not to young for this. ;D
Please keep me posted. ;) Title: Re: Donington Historic Post by: ncundy on 24 February, 2012, 01:09:33 PM I'm sure I could grab my dads Aurelia for a day, be a shame if I couldn't given I'm only 15 mins down the road!