Title: SCOTTISH ITALIAN DAY Post by: Donald on 08 March, 2012, 10:08:54 PM This event will be on Sunday 27th May 2012. The venue has changed this year. It will be at :-
Hill of Tarvit Mansion House and Gardens Cupar KY15 5PB From the A91 at Cupar take the A914 Title: Re: SCOTTISH ITALIAN DAY Post by: Colin on 09 March, 2012, 04:48:35 PM Donald, pleased at change of venue on basis its easier to get to and will try and appear with at least one car.
2 points: From memory it is simply a turn up and pay on the day affair-any idea what charge is likely to be this year? Having been there before proper address is Hill Of Tarvit-further details of the house and grounds are available on National Trust for Scotland website. Cheers. Colin. Title: Re: SCOTTISH ITALIAN DAY Post by: Colin on 09 March, 2012, 05:03:30 PM Here is NTS link:
www.nts.org.uk/Property/Hill-of-Tarvit-Mansionhouse-Garden olin. Title: Re: SCOTTISH ITALIAN DAY Post by: Donald on 11 March, 2012, 11:27:41 PM I believe the charge will be £8.00 per person.