Lancia Motor Club

General => Local Events => Topic started by: sparehead3 on 19 November, 2012, 12:26:22 PM

Title: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: sparehead3 on 19 November, 2012, 12:26:22 PM

With the 4th Wednesday (our usual Meet) being Boxing Day, we thought we'd bring the meeting forward a week and meet earlier at The Bull and eat too.

We'll reserve a table this Wednesday (when it's our November get together). If you'd like to come and aren't a regular then please reply or drop me a message and I can include you. I'm not sure what will be done for food : a proper Xmas meal or just ordering from the menu - will post details after (or at!) Wednesday's meeting.

Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: ben on 19 November, 2012, 11:11:38 PM
Thanks for taking the initiative on this Steve. Count me in.

Note however that the 4th Wednesday in Nov. isn't this week but the 28th which is next week. I expect that is what you meant!
Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: sparehead3 on 20 November, 2012, 11:56:03 AM
Ah, yes - thanks Ben - of course I meant that ... cough cough ....

BTW, I've created this as an 'event' in the calendar in the online database so will use it to track who's going

Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: sparehead3 on 28 November, 2012, 08:36:59 PM

We've booked this (tonight as we're here) ... I've attached the menu to this post.

If you'd like to come, please let me know you're coming and your choices - preferably a week before as we need to confirm numbers and provide deposits.

Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: sparehead3 on 11 December, 2012, 12:47:53 PM
One week to go, please let me know if you want to come so I can confirm choices with The Bull. I need to know by tomorrow lunchtime.

Confirmations from : Ben, Terry, Rob, Harvey (Katie), Me (Claire), Simon, Peter.
Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: sparehead3 on 20 December, 2012, 08:21:40 AM
Very enjoyable time was had been all with great food to boot!

from front to back:
Harvey + Katie
Anthony + Terry
Ben + Peter
Steve + Claire
Rob + Simon
Title: Re: Bristol Area Christmas Dinner - 19th December (3rd Wednesday)
Post by: ben on 20 December, 2012, 11:26:49 AM
And thanks again to Steve for making it happen and also to the girls for putting up with all the car chat so patiently.
Had a lovely drive home splashing through the puddles in the Integrale!