Title: LANCIA AURELIA B 20 B 24 - RADIO CONDOR....some lights too..correct? Post by: Parisien on 23 November, 2012, 10:30:27 AM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LANCIA-AURELIA-B-20-B-24-FERRARI-ALFA-MASERATI-RADIO-CONDOR-/121026493028?pt=Ricambi_automobili&hash=item1c2dbdba64
P Title: Re: LANCIA AURELIA B 20 B 24 - RADIO CONDOR....some lights too..correct? Post by: Sebastien on 23 November, 2012, 02:10:52 PM Correct, but only later Aurelias, and not for B12!
Title: Re: LANCIA AURELIA B 20 B 24 - RADIO CONDOR....some lights too..correct? Post by: Parisien on 23 November, 2012, 02:18:03 PM Indeed Sebastien, more that he was hedging his bets for the cars listed, am currently searching for two rear lights, do you know if they differed from Series I to SII for the B12?
P Title: Re: LANCIA AURELIA B 20 B 24 - RADIO CONDOR....some lights too..correct? Post by: Sebastien on 23 November, 2012, 06:13:11 PM To my knowledge no difference!
I checked the parts book. Here the Carello numbers for the complete rear lights: Carello 12.708.000 (right hand) Carello 12.707.000 (left hand) Were they ever used by other cars, I wonder? And if you are looking for the central reverse light, which is also mandatory for a B12: Carello 18.701.000 !!! Title: Re: LANCIA AURELIA B 20 B 24 - RADIO CONDOR....some lights too..correct? Post by: Parisien on 23 November, 2012, 07:35:54 PM Sebastien, are those numbers on the rears lights, because someone might just have a pair!
Cheers for the reference numbers, will get onto the reversing light too P |