Title: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: sparehead3 on 10 January, 2013, 12:28:14 PM Nice article and nice to see some different pictures of the one and only Viola.
Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: nic038 on 10 January, 2013, 04:18:44 PM know the viola has been up for sale now for a while with a hefty price tag.( currently residing at a price not far short of a hyena??)
just wondering what it was priced to go on sale at when they were looking to produce a few. Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: sparehead3 on 10 January, 2013, 04:49:31 PM I don't know Nick, I didn't think it got as far as pricing or production. I wouldn't imagine it'd would've been too different to an Evo II. The article mentions that it is for sale - and at least it confirms that this is true !
Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: rikardo on 14 January, 2013, 05:54:26 PM Currently advertised on Pistonheads in the UK. However, photos show it as somewhere abroad, possibly Germany or Switzerland, looking at the background detail. Anybody recognise the trade-plate nationality sitting on the dash?
http://classifieds.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/lancia/delta/prototype-evo-3-viola/289876 Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: sparehead3 on 14 January, 2013, 08:26:11 PM It's been on Pistonheads forever from the same company. I wonder if the magazine article is there to find a speculator ? That's £60,000 more than a good integrale ... which is a lot !
Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: 038tipo on 15 January, 2013, 09:29:30 AM I think the article was good overall, some mistakes which I have told them about if they print the letter..
The car is owned now by the German integrale guru Werner Blaettel who wrote the integrale book, I plus a friend, nearly bought this car 10 years ago, it did not happen due to an Italian opera of nonsense, and it was overpriced then, the mileage seems to have gone backwards too..it is an important piece of history of these cars however but not worth the asking price in my opinion. It should have been made but had no chance as the man in charge at the time wanted to kill the car off as it was embarassing him in his quest to make Alfa Romeo the sporting arm of FIAT, and the grale just kept winning! ;D Paul. Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: sparehead3 on 15 January, 2013, 12:22:50 PM That's interesting Paul and nice to have first hand knowledge. I'd always heard that as the car was a prototype it wasn't in the best of condition (ie: factory mule) , however the article seemed to imply pristine ...
However, if you buy it you're buying it because it's the one and only rather than as new - much , I guess, the same as the works rally cars have all that lovely history etched into the bodywork :) Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: 038tipo on 15 January, 2013, 04:53:56 PM Yes pretty much Steve, I have some great memories of that car... didn't know the grab handles could be gripped that tightly! :)
Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: rikardo on 15 January, 2013, 06:00:55 PM Happy days aye Paul?!
And yes, very much over-priced. Title: Re: Evo Magazine (February 2013) - 7 page article on the Integrale Evo 3 Post by: 038tipo on 16 January, 2013, 10:13:05 AM Indeed... :)