Title: RHD 2000 (Flavia) Coupe on autoscout24.it Post by: Paul Greenway on 18 January, 2013, 10:24:24 AM There is a January 1973(Flavia) 2000 Coupe for sale in Rieti, Italy advertised on autoscout24.it, a RHD car obviously ex UK as the registration number is RUK 231L for what appears good value at 3500 Euro's. It is red with black vinyl/leather trim with crommadoras and appears solid with no obvious rust from the photos, but could possibly require some TLC. Does anyone know of its history? Title: Re: RHD 2000 (Flavia) Coupe on autoscout24.it Post by: fay66 on 18 January, 2013, 11:57:48 AM There is a January 1973(Flavia) 2000 Coupe for sale in Rieti, Italy advertised on autoscout24.it, a RHD car obviously ex UK as the registration number is RUK 231L for what appears good value at 3500 Euro's. It is red with black vinyl/leather trim with crommadoras and appears solid with no obvious rust from the photos, but could possibly require some TLC. Does anyone know of its history? Brian 8227 8) |