Title: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 01 April, 2007, 07:29:03 PM Hi
I was wondering if there was anyone from the Portsmouth or Southern Area that would be willing to assist me by driving my daughter to her prom in a Lancia for the evening of June 29th 2007. She wants to go in style, and in something a little different. ;) We would only need to use you and your car for less than a few hours in the evening. Ideally, this would be "Pre-Fulvia" Cost would be met if reasonable. Steve P.S. Sorry about the title, was worried no one would read it :) Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: eyore on 02 April, 2007, 06:44:09 AM On the contrary,I imagine the title would attract attention :o :o
Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: sparehead3 on 02 April, 2007, 11:28:05 AM Took mine to her prom in the 'grale last year :)
Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 02 April, 2007, 01:28:30 PM Took mine to her prom in the 'grale last year :) Nice, and I bet all her friends had no idea what it was? Teenagers need to be properly educated about cars, seriously. Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: sparehead3 on 02 April, 2007, 07:39:51 PM eeerrrr no they don't and neither does anyone else ...
I've taken the longest time telling my daughter that it is a road going version of a rally car ... till I took it to Turin and then it became a rally car :) Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 02 April, 2007, 09:16:39 PM haha nice
Is your 'grale the one in your picture? If so, they always do look best in red. :) Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: sparehead3 on 02 April, 2007, 09:32:06 PM Yep that's it - on the podium in the square on the Saturday in Turin.
When I look at the full picture the red is just unreal - it must be something to do with the Italian sun ... Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 02 April, 2007, 09:50:48 PM Rather than the lovely British weather :D
Even though, my Fulvia doesn't look to bad for British weather (my user picture=my car) ;D Do you live out in Turin? Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Dilambdaman on 02 April, 2007, 11:50:06 PM Got a booking for the Dilambda for a friends daughter's prom just this evening. Would love to oblige Steve but it's a long way from East Sussex at 12 miles to the gallon!
Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: sparehead3 on 03 April, 2007, 11:29:20 AM "Do you live out in Turin?"
No, Iz a brystle babber ! Went there for the 100 celebrations :) Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 03 April, 2007, 02:43:17 PM Got a booking for the Dilambda for a friends daughter's prom just this evening. Would love to oblige Steve but it's a long way from East Sussex at 12 miles to the gallon! yeah, thats a bit of a trek, understandable. thanks for the help anyway. :) p.s. (from steve's daughter, chloe) just google searched the Dilambda, beautiful!! ;D Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: l3hou on 05 April, 2007, 11:43:23 AM Let me know if you're stuck and would consider a WRC Rally Delta - I'm on the M27 at J2 with Delta Evolution Repsol WRC
http://www.londontobrightonrun.com/turin/IMG_4_640.jpg J-P Title: Re: Desperate Female Post by: Fulv_1600HF on 05 April, 2007, 11:56:03 AM Let me know if you're stuck and would consider a WRC Rally Delta - I'm on the M27 at J2 with Delta Evolution Repsol WRC http://www.londontobrightonrun.com/turin/IMG_4_640.jpg J-P Very nice. :) I'll have to ask my daughter what she thinks of it. |