Title: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: HF_Dave on 26 January, 2013, 09:18:44 PM I have been offered a 2000 engine out of a Monte for my 2000 sedan, I had a look at it the other day , started it up and it runs fine. The owner is going to fit a V6 Alfa to the Monte and has offered the engine to me. I can see that the distributor is mounted at the top of the engine, it also has electronic ignition that's the only external difference I can see, are the cams different ? or the pistons ? would the engine be more torque, because of it's sporting application. Thanks. David . ???
Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: SanRemo78 on 26 January, 2013, 09:59:11 PM Sump is different too, I think the box is too but not 100% sure, It will have a hydraulic clutch instead of cable. Don't scrap the clutch lever arm if you do swap it out. There's a market for it.
Guy Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: St Volumex on 27 January, 2013, 05:32:33 AM Cams are different as are the carb jettings (so the engine's more peaky), gearbox ratios are shorter with a lower top end, & a couple of casting bosses are different on the block. The Monte sump is much better than the Beta's, but will not clear the Beta subframe on the RHS. Otherwise it should be okay.
Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: SanRemo78 on 27 January, 2013, 11:53:39 AM Are the oil pumps different too then?
Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: HF_Dave on 27 January, 2013, 02:04:00 PM I wouldn't worry about swapping the sump over also the cam box as the distributor is mounted on top of the engine . I already have bought all the parts to re-build my own engine which is a low mileage original from the car so matching numbers ect. Not that a Beta Sedan is going to be much sought after in years to come by people fussy about matching numbers but you would never know. Its my Dads original car so I suppose IU should keep it right. What kind of value does a 42000 mile Monte engine have ? thanks. David. :)
Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: St Volumex on 28 January, 2013, 02:57:07 PM Monte & Beta oil pumps are marginally different to the naked eye, but short of measuring the flow, pressure etc. they would be interchangeably functional. Though I've never personally done a swap, it should fit into the Beta sump, & the bolt holes fixing the pump to the block are the same spacing.
Dave, I like your thinking about rebuilding your dad's Beta engine. :) Title: Re: Is Beta 2000 enging the same as Montecarolo engine. Post by: HF_Dave on 28 January, 2013, 06:08:23 PM I think I will take the Monte engine and keep it in stock, over the years I had a couple of HPE's and Coupes, but I got rid of all the spare parts including complete engines. The only regret was a HPE Volumex that was to rotten to save, I removed the engine separated the parts from the block including the super charger . I advertised the engine for sale and a guy called for it we did a deal for the engine and he took it away. A few months later I was looking through the parts collection and couldn't find the supercharger. I reckon he slipped the charger into his van when I wasn't looking . :-[ Don't you just hate that.!