Title: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: fay66 on 05 April, 2013, 03:35:40 PM Series 1 Aprilia EGH 119 is coming up for sale at the auction at the Imperial War Museum Duxford.
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: simonandjuliet on 05 April, 2013, 03:56:07 PM I will be interested to know when the auction is - I am not thinking of bidding, it's just that it used to be my car (before the rebuild !) - will try and find a couple of "before" photos .....
Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: Sliding Pillar on 05 April, 2013, 04:20:56 PM This is the link to the auction: http://www.classic-auctions.com/Auctions/17-04-2013-ImperialWarMuseumDuxford-1341/1937LanciaApriliaS1Normale-35818.aspx
And, Simon for you here's a picture of it in September 1983. I must admit at the time I was more interested in the Flavia Zagato, so this is the best picture I have! Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: simonandjuliet on 05 April, 2013, 04:59:36 PM That's the beast - I didn't buy the boat ! The car came my way in about 1989 (ish).
I had a real scare on the way to collect it - We were still doing daft things in the 80's so I claim youth and stupidity for the following: I bolted a towbar onto my company 1.4 Escort, borrowed a car trailer and set off to Lancaster from St Albans. The empty trailer was way too big for my car, even without a car on it ! Anyway, to cut a long story short, I got as far as Luton (!) and on the descent to Luton North, got a real wobble on. I spun the car and trailer and ended up coming to rest - having hit nothing - in the outside lane, pointing the way I had just come, and looking at a Rolls Royce ! I selected first gear, completed the three point turn, moved to the hard shoulder and it was only at this point my girlfriend burst into tears .... she still married me , but not for long ! Anyway, after that I borrowed a proper transporter and did it properly ...... should really have called the Ruddlers ! Well done for finding the photo ! Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: Sliding Pillar on 05 April, 2013, 05:10:17 PM Hi Simon,
I didn't know at the time it was EGH 119 I had taken a photo of, but when I see you next, I will regale you the strange story of how I found that out. P.S. Are you going on the French rally this year? I know it's the wrong time of year for you! Ade Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: simonandjuliet on 18 April, 2013, 06:47:07 AM Sold for £18,000
I signed up to watch and listen to the auction live - quite spooky ! My wife was very worried that I was going to join the bidding .... Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: ben on 18 April, 2013, 09:40:43 AM The pre-sale calalogue estimate was £25 to £30000 so can you be sure it actually sold? I would think the seller would have been a bit disappointed!
Ben Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: donw on 18 April, 2013, 12:08:04 PM H&H website says not sold.
Don Title: Re: Series 1 Aprilia up for Auction Post by: simonandjuliet on 18 April, 2013, 06:58:45 PM The hammer went down at £18 k just as I was called to the table so I didn't hear if the sale was final - as you suggest, the reserve was probably not met.
I listened to about 20 of the auctions and very few reached or passed their estimates I also would have been disappointed had I been the current owner, it is a beautiful car. A lot more beautiful than when I owned her ! I dread to think how much the restoration cost ....... |