Title: Kappa Coupe - Rear Shocks Post by: LC2 on 07 April, 2013, 09:45:28 AM At the risk of causing widespread hilarity I have an embarrassing question: Where do I locate the top mounts for the rear shocks?
Yes, yes, other end of the strut etc. !!! Looked in the boot and removed all the covers and sound deadening and can only see the tunnel but no access. I have looked inside the cabin and removing the speaker only exposes the seat belt anchor...Do I have to remove the rear seat? If so what's the procedure? Thanks.... Title: Re: Kappa Coupe - Rear Shocks Post by: LC2 on 22 November, 2015, 02:29:21 PM I'd forgotten this post.
Access is via the cabin: on rear parcel shelf: - remove the speaker covers - remove the seat-belt devices - = Access to the strut mount Title: Re: Kappa Coupe - Rear Shocks Post by: lancialulu on 22 November, 2015, 04:11:35 PM Unbelievably I think KYB shock absorber manufacturer has these
3358021 shock SM9803 top mount Google KYB UK for sales No connection just used KYB insert for rear Gamma coupe shock and like them.... |