Title: December 1921 Vanity Fair Post by: Richard Fridd on 20 April, 2013, 02:08:25 PM Article http://www.oldmagazinearticles.com/1920s_European_Cars_1921_Lancia_image_and_article
Title: Re: December 1921 Vanity Fair Post by: Roland on 08 May, 2013, 02:50:53 PM The heading photo is a car whose photograph is also shown in The Autocar of May 8th 1920 but the photo shown there is of it's left hand side. The caption states that it is on a 1920 chassis which means a Kappa not a Theta.
The caption to the photo says..."INSPIRATION FROM NAUTICAL DESIGN. The tumble-in gunwale tops of the sides of this extraordinailly attractive coachwork on a 1920 35h.p. Lancia chassis are reminiscent of the shape of a modern motor launch. The coachbuilders, Messrs Park Ward and Co., of 473, High Road, Willesden, N.W.10, who have built the coachwork for Major Skelton, deserve great credit for the evolution of such a graceful design, which embodies a cleverly concealed hood." Title: Re: December 1921 Vanity Fair Post by: Richard Fridd on 08 May, 2013, 03:10:32 PM Thanks for your interesting replies in this section Roland.