Lancia Motor Club
Buy, Sell and Search => Lancia vehicles for sale => Topic started by: Lapsed Cesare Ferrari on 01 May, 2013, 09:58:23 PM
It is at Brooklands auction on 1st June 2013.
I love these and wonder if this could be that wonderful and now rare thing, the useable and cheap oily rag Lancia. I have no space for another car, sadly, but I hope someone else will be interested to find out more.
I hadn't realised they were column change - means that you could fit 6 people in easily ! Early Multipla ? Hope it goes to a good home
Never heard Lancia described as CHEAP OILY RAG ???
It is at Brooklands auction on 1st June 2013.
I love these and wonder if this could be that wonderful and now rare thing, the useable and cheap oily rag Lancia. I have no space for another car, sadly, but I hope someone else will be interested to find out more.
Lovely but it does say 'restoration' so I wonder just how much will the buyer need to spend just to get it on the road, if you zoom in on the photos there's a bit of rust about, and going by the under bonnet photos it looks like it's been standing a while, something Milleotto's I understand were never good at, but certainly worth finding a good home, and with no reserve ???
8227 8)
This sold for £1008 The estimate was quoted as £5000 on the ebay advert.
Can't really go wrong at £1000 though (
I certainly could see myself getting this model one day. To date Robin's Fulvia Sedan has been the best to me in practical terms, although my Zagatos have been a privilage, and my Fulvia Coupe delivered me my first ever motorsport experience and trophy. In the meantime I shall carry on with my PF. Richard
And now it's being flipped for 2K...
Plenty of pictures now and they show it needs quite a bit of work which is probably why it only went for £1k at auction. Any less and it would have been in danger of being broken for spares! £2k isn't dear though and hopefully it will go to someone who will restore it.
This is the bit thats worrisome given the photos.........appears very solid. the body guy is a casual white sticker user?!
Minter worth £3K according to Classic this model sufficiently rare/ be much more than a rough classed car....£3-500?
Forgive me, but none of us I think values our Lancia according to what it might fetch if we sold it to pagans. This car is an attractive old machine that would have cleaned up just as well for a layperson as it has for the dealer who has bought it. It is perfectly possible to buy a car of this sort and run it for a considerable length of time without restoring it. I have even done so myself. That is why I opened the thread, in case someone else might be moved to buy the thing and drive it, and particularly someone who has not got a lot of money.
This is the bit thats worrisome given the photos.........appears very solid. the body guy is a casual white sticker user?!
Minter worth £3K according to Classic this model sufficiently rare/ be much more than a rough classed car....£3-500?
It's slippery slope when the question is asked is it worth saving because of it's resale value, most of us if we thought in those terms would never have even thought of restoring our Lancias.
A number of years ago a well respected member questioned whether or not it was worth saving the likes of Delta 1300's and other modern Lancias such as Dedra, we all now know how rare 1300 Deltas are and Dedras are not far behind them, they may not be worth much in monetary terms, but they are all part of the Lancia story, and to some well worth saving; further to what Cessari says, someone without a lot of money may well choose to run it in a just roadworthy condition until such time as they hopefully have the means to restore it, I know of a Flavia Coupe and a Flaminia that are run in this condition but the owners are no less proud to be driving them.
As for what is it worth? the short answer is what anyone is prepared to pay for it!
8227 8)
Indeed guys....interesting to hear more informed and measured views......the market auction of around £1K seemed about right if it has a new MOT, unsure though as to the preserving aspect, ie is this version more rare or deserving of someone putting several times its value into it to restore it, I realise its not ultimately about what its then worth...aka my B 12
The point Brian makes is very valid and I happen to feel quite strongly about the 'modern' way of immediately weighing up notional profit when considering purchase price and the subsequent cost of restoration of the so-called classic car. And also while many old car adverts today include the word 'investment'? Very dangerous.
I have said the same thing for over 45 years - the only people who really make money out of cars are car dealers.
I also happen to like 'honest' cars which may not be anywhere near perfect cosmetically but which are regularly used and in good condition mechanically.
We have this narrow interest because we love the cars - owning, driving and working on them. Not trading them. And if we are fortunate enough to be able to recover some or all what we have spent at a later date then arent we lucky?
Absolutely, as I realise an honest, non messed about with car is a better starting point to restore Lancias/cars, what you get is what you see.
As ever, its invariably the love of the car/marque which wins the day, as in any hobby or interest you frequently have to put a lot in to get that ongoing satisfaction only gained by becoming deeply immersed in what truly interests you, and its usually not a monetary reward. Only for the guys back in the 50s/60s/70s who took leaps of faith in keeping so many older Lancias on the road do we have such a variety on the road today, I take my hat off to each and every one because there was only ever a loss at the end of most projects!
Everyone's first question with my latest acquisition is "how much" and that wasn't the case ten (15?) years ago. The magazine running reports and restoration case studies all seem to dwell on the money side as well.
I'm not saying. It was a tough conversation the first few times but I've now come to enjoy not saying and seeing where that conversation goes - sometime quite heated from the other side but I've a thick skin and used to it warming up. As a favour if any of you have found out by whatever means could you keep it to yourself? A lot to ask but if it wasn't a guessing game I'd appreciate it as well...
Somehow it seems to be acceptable to wade in for a request for the purchase price and to take the conversation into the wisdom or not of that. What were you paid? Good bonus this year? What did that holiday cost? What did you spend on your wife's birthday? Was it an expensive Christmas? Take it down a notch how much that day trip to Kew? Are you sure the petrol to Goodwood and their filthy burger prices were worth the expense? What was your return on the day? You didn't BUY that book did you - they have libraries you know... What does it cost to play golf, go fishing, go for a walk come to that the distance some drive before they start and spend on parking and equipment.
That Flavia would be a great parts car for me...I expect even at the dealer price. MOT on the running gear: starts and stops. I bet a lot of the structure could be cut out to help me along and maybe clear a profit on the remains but what a crime that would be.
Its good to know its still in the country and I look forward to reports from those who drop in to see it. One of you might do as I did and go for a dispassionate look and fall for it.
I for one (and am sure there were others) wasn't interested in and didn't ask how much you paid for your project. Irrespective of what you paid, I'm so glad you took the project on. it will be a great story to see your car be returned from it's present state to the road again.
In terms of the Flavia Milleotto, I posted the auction result of £1k because I was surprised more people didn't want it. I think it's still good value at what the dealer is now asking. I doubt anyone could find another for less in the UK with or without an mot.
I'm as interested as everyone else the other way round :)
The number of ebay auctions I follow...
Also when I say "everyone" what I like about this forum is that its NOT here. In my last job (in a former life...) I can remember many being embarrassed to admit of their latest car to the general population but in hushed tones, in dark corners, would recount the adventure of its purchase and import or tell me what options they'd gone for on the latest order.
I read the posting before and it does look like a bit of a rant and that's NOT the case.
Its an observation of a trend in general and something I hadn't noticed until I bought something.
Not at all....merely two posts that sum it all up and clarify what restoring or running a classic involves and why the vast majority of people do it, enjoy it and get a real buzz out of it
Our cars are our passion, prices are incidental, profit or loss is not a consideration, except strictly within the family.
My greatest pleasure comes in driving (not as frequently as I would like) and playing with my cars. The sheer magic of cleaning up parts to reveal the splendour of Lancia engineering is something that I feel and cannot really express.
Juliet (of simonandjuliet) is right to make assessments on a bonkers'ometer. We are all on there somewhere, and we move backwards and forwards on it from time to time, hopefully I will not fall off although I think that Lynn would often like to push me !!!!
BUT, this is what we do, it is what we are !! As David alluded to, how much could we spend on a golf course, going for a walk in all that high tech gear .....
The value of our cars is not the money we could get at the auction, it is the joy, the fun and pleasure that we get from them and from the camaraderie of the fellow owners, whether that be at events, on the forum or whatever, wherever.
And long may this continue, long after I have popped my clogs!!
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Just dropped them a line and "Yes, sold immediately I am afraid."