Title: Insurance for "modern" classics Post by: Lindsay on 27 April, 2007, 01:11:26 PM Aside from AON, anyone good got experience for insuring their 1990s Lancia under limited mileage policies?
Title: Re: Insurance for "modern" classics Post by: Lindsay on 27 April, 2007, 02:53:18 PM That is, Lancias under 10 years old which seems to be the cut off point. Can get unlimited miles easy enough but will only be used 6 months of the year and perhaps 2000 miles, if that. I guess this is aimed at a very limited number as those with 1997 on Lancias in the UK don't amount to many.
Title: Re: Insurance for "modern" classics Post by: fay66 on 27 April, 2007, 10:56:54 PM Never got anywhere with Aon as if you don't have a garage on the property, or park in the road they don't want to know. :(
For the last 9 years I've insured my Fulvia on a classic unlimited policy with Footman James, with a £5000 agreed value, continental cover & continental breakdown cover, Drivers covered are my wife, myself + 1 other, Including excess recovery insurance, for under £150 PA. My Y10 was insured fully comp with Saga, ( not really any cheaper for 3rd party fire & theft) but as the value of the Y10 that any insurer would be prepared to pay out, would be about £500, which in all honesty would only cover a very minor knock, anything else would mean the insurers would write it off; I decided to take on the highest excess possible (as suggested by the Saga consultant), the reasoning being is that I would never claim, so I would never pay the excess, while at the same time being covered for any damage etc to any other vehicle, property or person. Doing this, with an excess of £900, I obtained fully comp on the Y10 Gtie (1302cc), for £86 from them. Brian Hilton 8227 8) |