Title: Series 1 Montecarlo spider for sale. Post by: GialloHPEIan on 17 June, 2013, 04:09:24 PM A friend of mine has emailed me some pictures of what appears to be Montecarlo S1 spider, in metallic blue. The car is in Norton St. Philip, Nr. Bath and has a note in the window stating that it "runs, unfinished project, offers!" There is no phone number but if anyone is genuinely interested i'm sure my friend would knock on the owners door for more info. I have tried to attach pictures but am happy to email direct, or alternatively explain how you attach JPG files to a posting on here for all to see.
Ian Title: Re: Series 1 Montecarlo spider for sale. Post by: peteracs on 17 June, 2013, 05:06:24 PM A friend of mine has emailed me some pictures of what appears to be Montecarlo S1 spider, in metallic blue. The car is in Norton St. Philip, Nr. Bath and has a note in the window stating that it "runs, unfinished project, offers!" There is no phone number but if anyone is genuinely interested i'm sure my friend would knock on the owners door for more info. I have tried to attach pictures but am happy to email direct, or alternatively explain how you attach JPG files to a posting on here for all to see. Ian Hi Ian When you start a reply, there is down the bottom left a 'Additional Options' and plus sign which you click, then select choose file to select the photo file. Peter Title: Re: Series 1 Montecarlo spider for sale. Post by: GialloHPEIan on 17 June, 2013, 09:31:12 PM Thanks Peter.
That's what i thought. However, it wouldn't allow me to use more than 1024kb per post and the two photographs total 5MB, and so refused to post. I guess i may have to play with the settings. ??? Ian Title: Re: Series 1 Montecarlo spider for sale. Post by: DavidLaver on 17 June, 2013, 09:34:33 PM This works for me: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/desktop/image_editing/light_image_resizer.cfm There are lots more out there. Typically I resize to 600x400 which is about 80K to post online or to email. David |