Title: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Parisien on 30 September, 2013, 02:06:30 PM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lancia-Appia-Jolly-Camper-Van-/131006840548?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1e809dbee4
P Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: DavidLaver on 30 September, 2013, 06:55:42 PM All of a sudden I'm not quite as fond of Fiat 900T camper vans as I thought... David Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: simonandjuliet on 30 September, 2013, 07:40:13 PM Rare as hen's ..... needs a good home !
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: lancialulu on 30 September, 2013, 08:22:37 PM Tempted but will in go in my garage.....
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: DavidLaver on 01 October, 2013, 08:13:46 AM It will go in the garage you build for it :) Can someone else make "the visit". After last time I'm a bit scared to take ANY interest in it. A lesson for whoever goes is that in the internet age leaving your wallet at home is no safeguard. David Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: lancialulu on 01 October, 2013, 09:51:45 AM Could look but because of the Laver effect I don't think I will....
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Chris Hopkins on 02 October, 2013, 08:21:10 AM Oh for a bigger garage, a pit and good welding skills, none of which I possess, so it is a shame but - I'm out!
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: JohnMillham on 02 October, 2013, 09:45:54 AM Oh for a bigger garage, a pit and good welding skills, none of which I possess, so it is a shame but - I'm out! I quite agree, but all of my cars are broken in one way or another, so I'm out, too! My welding was once described as "looking like sparrow's droppings"!Regards, John Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: 038tipo on 02 October, 2013, 10:12:46 AM Go on Tim you know you want to...it is close by too!
Paul Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: sparehead3 on 02 October, 2013, 10:53:25 AM ... also owned by a club member ...
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: lancialulu on 02 October, 2013, 10:59:56 AM Go on Tim you know you want to...it is close by too! Paul Closer to you!! and you have a taller garage me thinks... Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: 038tipo on 02 October, 2013, 12:18:56 PM Yes it is nearer but your garage is taller, wider and has more space and equipment and someone who has time for welding!
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: lancialulu on 02 October, 2013, 03:14:00 PM My welding doesn't even come close to John Milham's standard ;D, and all the space I had is spoken for....
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: donw on 02 October, 2013, 03:20:08 PM Would have been tempted if it was still fully fitted, owned the ex Lancia England service van for several years it was great fun and very usefull but it had a 5 speed box (sold by subsequent owner to a Zagato owner for more than I got for the van!)
Maybe Chugga could be persuaded? Don Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: DavidLaver on 02 October, 2013, 03:42:18 PM Is this it? http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o283/stephentazz/LanciaJolly_edited.jpg Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: simonandjuliet on 02 October, 2013, 04:15:10 PM There was a FIAT service van sold in Portugal (I think) earlier this year , it was fully fitted out and utterly bewitching .... I agree with Don, a fully fitted Lancia Service van would be fantastic and very tempting
Don have you got more pictures of the van during your tenure ? I believe the reason there are so few furgon/camioncinos is that people bought and scrapped the vans just for the 5 speed 'boxes Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: chugga boom on 02 October, 2013, 04:59:34 PM tempted yes, buying NO!!!! ive run out of space unfortunately and just haven't got the time, however I did have some fun last night as my girlfriends been banging on about either a vw campervan or a caravan which neither interest me or would I like to own as it would only get used once every 5 yrs (that's how often we have family holidays) , so as she walked into the office here last night I asked if she still wanted a campervan, her eyes lit up that i'd come around to her way of thinking, smiling she said yes to which I replied "GOOD COS I'M BUYING THIS!!" and swung the monitor screen round, her reaction and reply I cannot repeat but I was impressed that josh (11 yrs old) screamed cool its a Lancia!! ;D
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Sliding Pillar on 02 October, 2013, 05:31:20 PM There are some pictures of the low roof Jolly service van and the Camper in 1986 here
http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2479.0 The camper was originally a service van too, I did have some pictures of the fully fitted out interior, but can't find them now. The owner has copies of them too. Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Jay on 02 October, 2013, 07:16:21 PM I would be interested but i have phobia about campervans, you can see why after i bumped into the Commer van fan club at last year’s NEC. http://forum.commervanfan.co.uk/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7492
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: fay66 on 02 October, 2013, 10:35:57 PM I would be interested but i have phobia about campervans, you can see why after i bumped into the Commer van fan club at last year’s NEC. http://forum.commervanfan.co.uk/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7492 Julian,Just seems incredible that anyone could escape from that alive, an angel was certainly sitting on your family's shoulders that day, when was it? Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: DavidLaver on 03 October, 2013, 08:47:28 AM Shows the scale, as long as you know just how small an Appia is...
http://www.lanciamotorclub.co.uk/2008%20pics/LMC-_sl.jpg Was interesting to see a Lambda Weyman look small - next to a Range Rover. David Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: northfawley on 03 October, 2013, 09:11:49 AM Digging into my archives is this staged shot from classic and sportscar while I owned 599 NMP!
I have got some photos of the fully fitted van somewhere. Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Richard Fridd on 03 October, 2013, 09:54:04 AM I like the photo Simon. Which copy is it from?
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Jai Sharma on 03 October, 2013, 11:13:02 AM About 15-20 miles from me.
I'm firmly sitting on my itchy hands! Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: donw on 03 October, 2013, 11:48:02 AM No very similar but it did not have the raised roof with front window.
Don Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: northfawley on 03 October, 2013, 12:03:38 PM Sadly cannot remember which issue of c&s. Got to be 20 years ago as I look much younger in the photo!
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Richard Fridd on 03 October, 2013, 04:21:33 PM Who's was the Flaminia?
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: rogerelias on 03 October, 2013, 07:45:12 PM Just for James meet Burbie :)
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Sliding Pillar on 07 October, 2013, 05:44:10 PM I used to own the Flaminia in Simon's photo...... well I owned it for one day, took it in part exchange on a Flaminia Super Sport, and sold it the very next day!
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: Richard Fridd on 07 October, 2013, 05:48:07 PM Thanks, who has it now I wonder?
Title: Re: Lancia Appia Jolly Camper Van...needs restoration...form an orderly queue!!! Post by: simonandjuliet on 11 October, 2013, 03:51:00 PM The Appia Camper was sold to a non LMC/Forum member - a young chap apparently. However the previous owner (who is an LMC member) is trying to persuade the new owner to join and let us follow his restoration progress - it would make fascinating reading......