Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: GialloHPEIan on 15 October, 2013, 12:09:02 AM

Title: "Rebadged shockers"
Post by: GialloHPEIan on 15 October, 2013, 12:09:02 AM
Hi folks, spotted an item on the MSN home page on rebadged cars. When you scroll through you will come across the Chrysler 300C / Lancia Thema.

  Here is the link

Happy reading!

Title: Re: "Rebadged shockers"
Post by: angelorange on 13 December, 2013, 04:15:36 PM
Yes, a crying shame cf original Thema or Flavia for that matter.

What were they thinking?!