Title: AURELIA B20S 1662 Post by: duelitriemezzo on 06 November, 2013, 08:14:25 AM once upon a time, i had visited an old B20S chassis 1662 in Portugal.
Anyone knows what happen to the car? it had a nice original leather interior. Title: Re: AURELIA B20S 1662 Post by: Parisien on 06 November, 2013, 12:25:12 PM Sorry of no help....loving it though......
P Title: Re: AURELIA B20S 1662 Post by: duelitriemezzo on 06 November, 2013, 08:41:26 PM the man i have visited was Mr ALMEIDA of LISBOA.
He's got an underground parking level dedicated to his cars... Title: Re: AURELIA B20S 1662 = B20S-1022 Post by: Zetaman on 29 June, 2023, 09:26:15 AM Hallo, it looks as if this car was exported to Italy in 2008 and been restored, and is now for auction sale at https://www.carandclassic.com/auctions/1954-lancia-aurelia-b20-gt-series-iv-g22B0g.
If you look carefully at the documentation it reveals the import from Portugal and the previous registration number of ST-14-25. Pleasing for me to tie up an "unknown" in my register! Paul Mayo |