Title: Aurelia B50 Pinin Farina Cabriolet for sale in Switzerland Post by: Sebastien on 10 December, 2013, 04:17:53 PM There is a nice B50 Pinin Farina cabriolet offered for sale in Basel (Switzerland).
Car is known to me and in excellent condition. See: http://www.autoscout24.ch/fr/d/lancia-cabriolet-1950-occasion?index=0&make=44&nav=7&returnurl=%2ffr%2fvoitures%2flancia%3fmake%3d44%26nav%3d7%26vehtyp%3d10%26yearfrom%3d1930%26yearto%3d1950%26r%3d5&vehid=2052418&vehtyp=10&yearfrom=1930&yearto=1950 It is the bright red one, in the photo below. (Also some other interesting Lancias, check www.autoscout24.ch website) Title: Re: Aurelia B50 Pinin Farina Cabriolet for sale in Switzerland Post by: Sebastien on 10 December, 2013, 05:11:27 PM Just to complete the picture, checking Anamera,
there is another at Fantasy Junction in the US (has been seen elsewhere before) One for sale in England (well known to this forum) 2 others for sale in Italy (for a long time, and at around 80.000 EUR) So total 5 to choose from. :) Sébastien |