Title: Draught excluders on windows. Post by: brian on 11 December, 2013, 07:33:04 PM Thanks to loan of examples I have had a set of above cut out of 4mm perspex - £30 a set instead of 70+ in glass.
OK then - how do I get them into the grooves as they are the correct thickness and a tight fit height and length-wise? I am gluing them in with black rubbery glue as recommended by James Parry. It looks as if the perspex should be put in the aluminium profile off car and then fixed back in the door. Somebody out there hopefully will tell me the obvious (but not to me) path to take! Title: Re: Draught excluders on windows. Post by: chugga boom on 11 December, 2013, 09:19:19 PM example on rear n/s door, remove outer trim on the leading edge nearest where the B post would be, there should be a self tapper behind the felt u channel, let it move towards the rear of the door, slide the glass up into the channel and pull the lower trim back in to lock the glass into place, easy ;)
Title: Re: Draught excluders on windows. Post by: brian on 12 December, 2013, 09:05:25 AM Many thanks! Simples when you know how!