Title: Changes to SORN? Post by: DavidLaver on 18 January, 2014, 09:52:03 AM Seems like there's no need to SORN every year - see article below. Anyone got a better source? The other news is that the proof of insurance is via computer not paper. I'm trying to remember when I went in last if that's also the case for the MOT now. http://www.classic-car-mart.co.uk/news/latest-news/1221-sorn-scheme-simplified.html David Title: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: the.cern on 18 January, 2014, 10:28:47 AM Well spotted David, it is surprising that more has not been made of this in the press if, as the article says, the regulations changed on 16th Dec!!!
Common sense rules. Andy Title: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: neil-yaj396 on 18 January, 2014, 12:49:57 PM Yes, MOT's are all online as well now. As quoted elsewhere no more tax discs from October.
Title: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: rikardo on 24 January, 2014, 07:56:16 PM You are no longer required to renew a SORN if it is due to expire, as I discovered when attempting to do so earlier today.
See box at foot of text on following page. https://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/app/home/intro?skin=directgov The MoT doesn't yet appear to be completely electronic, despite the DVLA being able to check if it is current (when taxing a vehicle on-line), as do the Police. How many of us have forgotten an MoT expiry date and only discovered it by chance? I know I have. Title: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: Richard Fridd on 22 January, 2015, 10:04:49 AM SORN expires on my motorcycle today. Thanks for the info in this thread, as my local post office suggested telephoning the DVLA for a SORN renewal form. I expect they new what they meant, well meaning and with the best intentions.
Title: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: lancialulu on 22 January, 2015, 01:48:48 PM SORN expires on my motorcycle today. Thanks for the info in this thread, as my local post office suggested telephoning the DVLA for a SORN renewal form. I expect they new what they meant, well meaning and with the best intentions. . Do it on line so much easierTitle: Re: Changes to SORN? Post by: Parisien on 22 January, 2015, 02:02:37 PM SORN expires on my motorcycle today. Thanks for the info in this thread, as my local post office suggested telephoning the DVLA for a SORN renewal form. I expect they new what they meant, well meaning and with the best intentions. . Do it on line so much easier+1 A life saver, time saver and once it done its done, plus you can declare and undeclare vehicles monthly and from the comfort of your own home, whats not to like! P |