Title: Flavia Zagato Post by: blueboxer on 15 February, 2014, 01:24:00 PM nothing to do with me but nice Flavia Zagato just gone up for sale at £37500. Seller believes it to be 1 of the last 3 imported.
http://www.rtcc.co.uk/used-morgan-proteus-carver/lancia-flavia-18-zagato (http://www.rtcc.co.uk/files/dsc03809.jpg) Title: Re: Flavia Zagato Post by: phil-m on 15 February, 2014, 10:22:38 PM Looks nice but for a later car I would have expected Webers not Solexes on the engine and at that price the interior should be better, it is missing the fuse box cover and the seat piping is splitting. Still a nice car though, maybe they just go for more now...............