Title: Lancia Dedra Twin Cam 8 valve 2.0 litre Turbo...could be a steal...£500 start Post by: Parisien on 02 March, 2014, 09:54:39 PM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lancia-Dedra-Twin-Cam-8-valve-2-0-litre-Turbo-same-egine-as-in-Delta-/271415118780?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f319a0bbc
P Title: Re: Lancia Dedra Twin Cam 8 valve 2.0 litre Turbo...could be a steal...£500 start Post by: fay66 on 03 March, 2014, 12:13:06 AM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lancia-Dedra-Twin-Cam-8-valve-2-0-litre-Turbo-same-egine-as-in-Delta-/271415118780?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f319a0bbc Looks very nice but I'm concerned that the seller doersn't seem to know anything about the engine fitted to the Dedra Turbo, the Auction header states 'Same engine as Delta' this is incorrect, the Delta 2.0 twin cam engine is based on the Thema turbo engine which doesn't have the counter balance shaft set up that all twin cam Dedras have.P While Dedra never had a 16v Turbo engine, unlike the Delta integrale. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Lancia Dedra Twin Cam 8 valve 2.0 litre Turbo...could be a steal...£500 start Post by: Colin on 03 March, 2014, 10:32:06 PM Went to see this car last year when it belonged to club member in Kirriemuir.
Had been sitting outside for some time and although respayed had a couple of rust bubbles on one wing. Owner did have extensive history file and memory fading although thought were issues with loss of power at high revs and brakes needed work after standing. interior was good. Price was potentially good but I had issues with head banging off sunroof aperture as reported in road test ( I am 6'2") and since already have Thema turbo with more space decided against it. Rather looks as if bought by someone in Dundee and price somewhat higher than last year although no doubt needed work and expenditure for MOT. Will be interesting to see what it will fetch. Colin Title: Re: Lancia Dedra Twin Cam 8 valve 2.0 litre Turbo...could be a steal...£500 start Post by: GREENYORKIE on 09 March, 2014, 09:23:18 PM Car sold with final bid of £1070.