Title: Flaminia GT superleggera restoration in Italy Post by: Parisien on 16 March, 2014, 08:58:59 AM http://www.passioneauto.it/annunci/Lancia/lancia-flaminia-gt--superleggera--70337.php
What do we think, I've read they are extremely complicated/expensive to restore......but.... P Title: Re: Flaminia GT superleggera restoration in Italy Post by: dannels on 19 March, 2014, 12:47:39 PM Its listed as a 1960 car - but can't be - its a 2.8 3C so must be a 1963 car at the oldest...
As to restoring it - it depends how much needs doing - €25k is not cheap if it needs an engine rebuild and serious bodywork.... |