Title: FS - Original Fulvia workshop manual Post by: davidhowson on 02 April, 2014, 04:35:42 PM Hi
It's been a few years now since I sold my S1 Fulvia to follow other Italian brands (Ferrari and now Maserati, but don't let that put you off me!) I have found an original Fulvia workshop manual in my collection of books, its a bit watermarked and well read but not all oily or ripped. There's a few notes on the first page regarding engine number etc of my old car, but other than that it's a near perfect as a 40+ year old book can be! Not a pristine collectors item, but still a nice bit of Lancia history. I would like £35 for it plus a bit towards the postage (will post world-wide) or collect from Guildford area. Please email me, david.howson@howson.co.uk Thanks David Title: Re: FS - Original Fulvia workshop manual Post by: davidhowson on 03 April, 2014, 01:41:28 PM Now Sold
And a huge thank you to everyone who contacted me regarding this item, but it has now found a loving new home! I have a few other bits I have come across in my clear out, I will post details as time allows. Best wishes -David- |