Title: Aprilia Propshaft Flexible Couplings Post by: ben on 31 May, 2014, 07:39:04 PM Having experienced persistant failures of these vital elements of the Aprilia drive-line over the years and being rather taken aback at the price of the new ones available from Italy I have invested in the manufacture of an alternative and hopefully more reliable alternative type.
Hopefully the following photo shows clearly a typical set of the original well used couplings and the new versions. As can be seen the new design comprises an aluminium disc with a set of six silent-block type rubber bushes press-fitted at the appropriate pitch circle diameter. A further six holes have been added for lightness making them about 20% lighter than the "fabric" type. Also they are accurately machined and are therefore probably better balanced. I have had manufactured a batch of 50 and to hopefully recover my costs I am offering them for £70 each or £200 for a set of three. |