Title: Fulvia Gearbox – an optimum mix Post by: ColinMarr on 03 June, 2014, 12:28:50 PM One of the things much admired about my Fulvia Sport was that it had long legs. It had slightly higher intermediate gears and a higher fifth giving it more than 20mph per 1000rpm, which is the same final drive ratio as for a ‘standard’ 1600 Sport. This meant cruising at near 80 with about 3500 revs, and it was very nice. The gearbox fitted to my car was unusual – it was the core unit from a 2000HF, but with all the associated fittings from a standard Fulvia box.
I liked this arrangement so much that I bought a spare 2000HF box and what looks like a good box from a late S2 1300 Coupe from which an identical combination could be made. Both these boxes are now up for sale. The 2000HF box has blue plate number 820 … is the basic box with its bell housing and drive flanges, but without the remote shift. The standard 1300 box has blue plate number 818 6300 53111. It is complete with bell housing, drive flanges and the remote shift. Unusually, the remote shift still has the reverse-stop pin and casting still intact, which is unusual. Ideally I would like to sell these as a pair, and I know an expert who for a modest fee could swap over the fittings to make a long leg box ready to go into a Fulvia, with some useful parts left over. Before I offer them though Viva Lancia or EBay, perhaps someone on the Forum might be interested. The price for the pair is £450. They would need to be collected from me in north London. Colin |