Title: Snubber springs - beware! Post by: davidwheeler on 18 June, 2014, 11:16:07 AM The port side front suspension on Old Boot had taken to getting jammed on full extension. "Worn bottom guide" I thought and went to take it off. It will not come! I cut off the bottom half of the guide and discovered that the snubber spring had broken up and slightly expanded the lower 5 mm or so of the king pin (by some 20 microns). This is going to take some very careful work with a Dremel to reduce the high bits and get the upper half of the guide off. I shall then proceed to replace the snubber springs on both cars and suggest you all do the same. After all, they are more than 80 years old!
Title: Re: Snubber springs - beware! Post by: davidwheeler on 22 July, 2014, 06:49:56 PM I managed to get the guide off by cutting almost through it vertically and the tapping it down when it obliginly split. Not a madk on the pillar either! However, next problem is removing the pillar/stub axle assembly as I have decided that Dremelling will not do a good job and the pillar needs to be ground down to size. I made up a collar so as to extract upwards using the part H4 as the Book of Words says blandly "remove the ring H2 and take our H and M". M is the inner sheath and H the screwed bit. I have tightened as much as I dare and even tapped cautiously but so far no joy. Thought has struck - is it screwed in? Does not look to be so on the Tavola but before I apply heat I thought I'd ask if anyone else has done this. I did change a stub axle some years ago but cannot remember how I did it!
Title: Re: Snubber springs - beware! Post by: simonandjuliet on 22 July, 2014, 07:45:04 PM ps what is a "snubber spring" ?
Title: Re: Snubber springs - beware! Post by: davidwheeler on 23 July, 2014, 08:49:03 AM Spring in the bottom of the lower guide, takes the impact of the descending pillar.