Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Dedra, Thema and Delta (2nd series) => Topic started by: m tulloch on 19 June, 2014, 07:48:01 PM

Title: Mot
Post by: m tulloch on 19 June, 2014, 07:48:01 PM
The 8.32 passed it's Mot today with no advisories. That means all 3 Themas live for another year ;D
Title: Re: Mot
Post by: fay66 on 20 June, 2014, 12:13:22 AM
The 8.32 passed it's Mot today with no advisories. That means all 3 Themas live for another year ;D

Well done ;D

8227 8)
Title: Re: Mot
Post by: m tulloch on 24 June, 2014, 06:28:16 PM
And to top it all, I finally managed to get the Vis air conditioning working for the first time in 7 years! 10 degree C air.........lovely!
Title: Re: Mot
Post by: fay66 on 24 June, 2014, 11:31:22 PM
And to top it all, I finally managed to get the Vis air conditioning working for the first time in 7 years! 10 degree C air.........lovely!
I know the feeling, I had hells own job on my Series 3 Vis Auto, as it's linked to all sorts of things that you wouldn't expect, how did you get it going? what was the problem? did you use the wiring diagram in the Series 3 manual?

8227 8)
Title: Re: Mot
Post by: m tulloch on 27 June, 2014, 02:09:10 PM
Replaced the dryer and expansion valve.

Think the radiator fan control may be intermittently faulty though as the fan only runs slowly when the a/c is on, not at full speed as it should.

Anyone have a copy of the wiring diagram and the location for this?

Title: Re: Mot
Post by: fay66 on 28 June, 2014, 01:44:25 AM
Replaced the dryer and expansion valve.

Think the radiator fan control may be intermittently faulty though as the fan only runs slowly when the a/c is on, not at full speed as it should.

Anyone have a copy of the wiring diagram and the location for this?


I'll see about copying it for you as it's rather large, I can't remember just how it works off hand, but the speed of the fan is controlled by the A/C, as is the tickover which should automatically speed up when the A/C engages.

8227 8)
Title: Re: Mot
Post by: m tulloch on 28 June, 2014, 07:03:43 PM
The tickover does increase when the a/c is on but the radiator fan doesn't seem to come on to cool the evaporator, only as normal to cool the engine. I'm sure that on the other cars the fan comes on to get rid of the heat in the a/c system?

Unless I'm wrong?