Title: solex emulsion tubes Post by: dhla40 on 17 July, 2014, 05:21:33 PM I have noticed a difference between the emulsion tubes of the solex 35phh E2 and E3 carbs. The E2 tubes are closed at the bottom end by a brass plug and the air correcter is marked 180/45, the E3 tube is open at the bottom and the correcter is just marked 180. Is it normal for the E3 tube to not be plugged or has someone removed mine in the past. Perhaps somebody who has E3 carbs on their car could take one out and have a look, any other information also gratefully requested.
Sean Title: Re: solex emulsion tubes Post by: dhla40 on 22 July, 2014, 02:41:36 PM Have done a bit more web trawling and found a picture of a tube from an ADDHE carb which is open at the bottom, must be a feature of the later emission carbs.
Sean |