Title: Aurelia B20 seat belt query....please help Post by: Parisien on 01 August, 2014, 04:30:55 PM Member Terry Unwin, asked me to pop this up the get some feedback/info on same, please use email to reply directly to Terry initially and feel free to put up any relevant responses for all members.
To fellow B20GT owners: Has anyone of you have any experience of fitting inertia reel seat belts into an Aurelia or, alternatively, recommend anyone who has done this for you satisfactorily. I have 4-point harnesses at the moment from my rallying days, now over but these are inconvenient to use (cannot reach the handbrake etc). The issue for me is where to position the upper fixing for the diagonal belt, presuming that the reel can sit on the floor at the base of the "B" post. This will not be made easier by a recent extensive body restoration and high quality paint job so welding etc would be rather fraught. Any useful advice would be gratefully received by me at: terryunwin@ymail.com Thanks! P |