Title: "Maintaining an Aprilia" Post by: davidwheeler on 13 August, 2007, 02:10:55 PM In 1989 a pamphlet was produced with hints tips and gadgets about using and maintaining an Aprila. My copy is somewhat battered but I have managed to digitise it all bar a few lost words at the end. I append it (in three parts because of the limitations on file size). Maybe someone has a fair copy and can fill in the gaps. The pictures I guess make up the bulk of the file and could be disposed of and the three files combined into one document by somebody who speaks Word better than I do. It could then be put onto the Wikipedia Lancia entry and ppreserved for furure generations?!
The next thing would be to digitise the owner'd handbook. Has anybody done this? Title: Re: "Maintaining an Aprilia" Post by: davidwheeler on 13 August, 2007, 02:11:32 PM Part 2...
Title: Re: "Maintaining an Aprilia" Post by: davidwheeler on 13 August, 2007, 02:12:04 PM And part 3.
Title: Re: "Maintaining an Aprilia" Post by: Scarpia on 14 August, 2007, 10:26:50 AM I have a copy of this. i suspect it is better in a pdf than word.I only have a french copy of the series 2 handbook but illustrations remain very helpful and I just struggle through the text.I would also like to see a digital version on the web of the english language version though and discussed this in the early postings about electronic archiving.I think someone suggested that copyright might be a problem although after 60 years I cannot see Lancia wanting to republish themselves.