Title: Flavia 1.8 handbook (first edition 1964) Post by: Neil on 16 September, 2014, 10:28:26 AM I was at the Goodwood Revival on Friday in the pre-73 car park, my wife was sitting in our Fulvia at the time, when a lady came by and gave her a copy of the owner's handbook and asked to pass it to someone with a Flavia, it had come from a deceased relative. It is not in perfect condition, well used and has some damage, but mostly complete and readable, please drop me mail if you would like the handbook and I will send it in the post. (neil.sims1@ntlworld.com)
Title: Re: Flavia 1.8 handbook (first edition 1964) Post by: the.cern on 16 September, 2014, 07:13:08 PM How very thoughtful to make it available to someone who might really use it rather than taking an easier route .. eg chuck it in the bin!!!