Title: This B20 is a bit pricey as a restoration project...USA based! Post by: Parisien on 29 October, 2014, 09:49:51 AM http://www.gullwingmotorcars.com/1958-lancia-b20-s-coupe-c-1971.htm?make=ALL&model=ALL&bodytype=ALL&stock=19819&&utm_source=%23+19819+1958+Lancia+Aurelia+B20S++By+Gullwing+Motor+Cars&utm_campaign=%28UA-3129993-103%29&utm_medium=email
P Title: Re: This B20 is a bit pricey as a restoration project...USA based! Post by: DavidLaver on 29 October, 2014, 07:42:20 PM LHD and never restored - that's got to be pretty rare... I like the radio. Is the big round grill badge the US lancia club? David Title: Re: This B20 is a bit pricey as a restoration project...USA based! Post by: adrian donovan on 30 October, 2014, 09:20:39 AM THe ad says it's sold today! What was the price?
Title: Re: This B20 is a bit pricey as a restoration project...USA based! Post by: DavidLaver on 30 October, 2014, 09:58:59 AM There's a description tab as well as a photos tab. "This 1958 Lancia Aurelia B20S Coupe is an extremely rare LHD example that's been sitting in a barn for the last 30 years under the same ownership. This car has never been restored and one of very few left hand drives ever built. The motor is out and apart. Incredibly straight body and solid undercarriage. A very exciting find for only $107,500". |