Title: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: I.M.B.A on 30 November, 2014, 09:46:37 PM I have a selection of parts for later Lancias, but I would love a hand identifying which models the parts are for. All are for sale if there is any interest from the board.
Many thanks Will (https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8570/15917169775_a2f4a8cc9b_z.jpg) (https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7566/15297512323_56f0bf64b1_z.jpg) (https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7495/15915208651_6f7a15be99_z.jpg) Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: SanRemo78 on 30 November, 2014, 11:02:41 PM Top picture, I think the door handle is Beta Coupe/HPE, dash vent looks Beta saloon and the U shaped rubbers look like they fit Beta radiator lower support brackets? The tank sender also looks like Beta to me.
Middle picture, left, the white cable looks like a Beta i.e. or VX distributor cable. There's a Beta A post courtesy light switch and the rubber bobbins look like the screw in bonnet stops for a..... Beta. Bottom picture has a Beta hazard switch and, on the right a Beta brake light switch. Hope that helps a little and someone else can confirm or correct! Guy Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: fay66 on 01 December, 2014, 01:02:58 AM I can't see anything there that belongs to Dedra or Thema.
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: peteracs on 01 December, 2014, 08:33:04 AM Hi
Guy is right on the Beta parts, except the rubber bump stops look too small for the Beta I think. The only other Beta items I think are some of the individual instruments, but would need to have a closer inspection. A least one of the tank gauges are from Betas. Peter Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: SanRemo78 on 01 December, 2014, 01:57:28 PM Hi Guy is right on the Beta parts, except the rubber bump stops look too small for the Beta I think. The only other Beta items I think are some of the individual instruments, but would need to have a closer inspection. A least one of the tank gauges are from Betas. Peter Thanks Peter - my mind can't be that bad considering the number of years since my last Beta went 21 years ago! (since then 4 with the Grande Punto, 13 with Alfa 145, 4 with a C**o) Guy Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: I.M.B.A on 01 December, 2014, 08:03:22 PM Thanks all.
Do you (or do you know anyone within the club) who could make use of the parts? I would be happy to pass them on gratis, if the buyer would make a small donation to the RNLI, and cover the cost of postage. I think I have a power steering rack for a Beta looking at a similar item listed on ebay which could go with the lot. Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: frankxhv773t on 03 December, 2014, 09:33:50 PM The instruments look the right period for a Beta saloon if much of the rest is Beta. The round black thing above and to the left of the bonnrt syop rubbers looks possibly like a window winder blanking plate where the emergency winding handle goes in.
Title: Re: Spares ID Help - Christmas Quiz Post by: I.M.B.A on 05 December, 2014, 06:25:16 PM Rev counter and a fuel sender have found a new home, many thanks to Mark for his donation to the RNLI.