Title: 1970 FLAVIA COUPE 2000 BUMPERS Post by: Mike Anderson on 27 December, 2014, 04:58:41 PM Have ordered a pair of repro bumpers in stainless steel for my Flavia from Group Harrington.Despite the very British sounding name the company are based in Vietnam so I was slightly hesitant about taking the plunge and placing an order.
The responses to my emails have been quick and in good English so I'm more confident now. I'll update this post as and when and hopefully by the Spring the bumpers will be fitted as the finishing touch to the Flavia.(http://) Title: Re: 1970 FLAVIA COUPE 2000 BUMPERS Post by: bobhenry999 on 29 December, 2014, 03:48:41 PM Mike,
I bought a pair of these last year via the Flavia/2000 Consortium for my 815 coupe, and they came from the far east. The standard was brilliant, and they fitted perfectly with no adjustments, so hopefully yours will too. Bob Dow Title: Re: 1970 FLAVIA COUPE 2000 BUMPERS Post by: Mike Anderson on 29 December, 2014, 11:25:28 PM Hi Bob, thanks for the reassurance , Mike.
Title: Re: 1970 FLAVIA COUPE 2000 BUMPERS Post by: Mike Anderson on 26 January, 2015, 06:18:03 PM The Flavia's bumpers have arrived.They are well finished and appear identical to the originals but of course the acid test will come when the restorer fits them. So far I've been very impressed by the manufacturer's service especially their communication.
The Flavia is going in next week to have them fitted and the petrol tank repaired. Looking forward to the Spring and getting lots of use from the car. |