Title: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: peterbaker on 15 February, 2015, 11:03:09 AM Probably the best historic rally in the world, yours truly wore himself to a frazzle serving an Alfa Romeo so not many pictures. Reports and images at www.retro-speed.co.uk
Title: Re: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: the.cern on 15 February, 2015, 06:43:09 PM Great photographs Peter, I bet you had fun.
Not a lot of snow for all those studded tyres!!! Andy Title: Re: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: lancialulu on 15 February, 2015, 06:48:55 PM Looks like the triangle is ex NATO (ie been in a war zone!).
Title: Re: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: peterbaker on 16 February, 2015, 10:59:19 PM Two more.
Title: Re: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: the.cern on 17 February, 2015, 07:31:24 AM Excellent again Peter, looks like 217 has been really trying!!
Title: Re: Rallye Monte Carlo Historique 2015 Post by: stanley sweet on 17 February, 2015, 11:26:55 AM I had the Copenhagen starters (only 14) literally come past my front door in my out of the way village. That was handy as it was a pretty bitter night and I didn't fancy my usual visit to Langres. Being perched on an outcrop on a plain, Langres is alway colder than the surrounding area.