Title: Ex-Irish registered Flavia Vignale up for auction Post by: ITSA on 15 May, 2015, 09:25:23 PM A challenging looking project coming to auction on 13th June.
http://www.angliacarauctions.co.uk/en/classic-auctions/latest-classic-car-catalogue/saturday-13th-june-2015/1967-lancia-flavia-18-vignale-convertible/ (http://www.angliacarauctions.co.uk/en/classic-auctions/latest-classic-car-catalogue/saturday-13th-june-2015/1967-lancia-flavia-18-vignale-convertible/) I have no connection to the car or seller but I thought it looked familiar and here it is in a former ownership. http://www.maranellohouse.com/flavia.html (http://www.maranellohouse.com/flavia.html) Title: Re: Ex-Irish registered Flavia Vignale up for auction Post by: fay66 on 15 May, 2015, 11:27:15 PM A challenging looking project coming to auction on 13th June. http://www.angliacarauctions.co.uk/en/classic-auctions/latest-classic-car-catalogue/saturday-13th-june-2015/1967-lancia-flavia-18-vignale-convertible/ (http://www.angliacarauctions.co.uk/en/classic-auctions/latest-classic-car-catalogue/saturday-13th-june-2015/1967-lancia-flavia-18-vignale-convertible/) I have no connection to the car or seller but I thought it looked familiar and here it is in a former ownership. http://www.maranellohouse.com/flavia.html (http://www.maranellohouse.com/flavia.html) Stuart, The owner, I think used to run the Fiat Club in Northern Ireland, last year he alo bought the ex Robin Lacey ( 3 times removed) Fulvia 2c Berlina, which is the oldest surviving of the 3 original UK Spec RHD 2c's. It has been patched, rather than restored ,and is also up for sale, Alan Murphy's 2 is having the full Restoration. Brian 8227 8) |