Title: Spare wheels and tyres Post by: Chris Hopkins on 01 June, 2015, 01:30:12 PM 4 x Delta Integrale Evo1, 5 stud 7.5J 15” wheels, very good condition fitted with 205/50R 15 Avon tyres, one new and 3 used. £500
2 x Delta Integrale Evo2, 5 stud 7.5J 16” wheels, scruffy, fitted with Dunlop 205/45R 16 tyres. £50 1 x Delta Integrale Evo2 space saver fitted with Michelin 115/70R16 used tyre and cover. £15 4 x used 195/60R15 part worn odd tyres. £5 each 1 x new Yokohama A539 185/60R14 82H. £20 1 x used Michelin 2X 155/14 radial. £5 1 x Fiat Panda space saver, 135/70R13 radial tyre and wheel nearly new. £10 |