Title: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: Jay on 01 July, 2015, 07:56:44 AM Any suggestions please.
Has anyone removed the steering wheel from a Touring or Zagato Flaminia or similar on an Aurelia. After removing the horn button and cover, there doesn’t seem to be any nut or fixings, all I can see down the tube is what I think is the slotted end of the steering shaft with a circlip. Looking at the parts manual it appears that only the circlip holding the wheel on. Does anyone know if this is the case and if so how tight was the wheel on the spline? So do I need to make a puller to get it off? Title: Re: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: dannels on 02 July, 2015, 11:59:48 AM Hi Julian
The wheel is attached by screws on the rear of the boss - it should remove easily Do you need to remove the centre boss as well? Cheers Dave Title: Re: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: Jay on 02 July, 2015, 12:32:03 PM Cheers Dave
So the screws that hold the horn cap and cover also hold the wheel on to the boss? As I don’t need to remove boss, I guess I will give it a whack and see what happens. BTW I removing it as the wood needs a small amount of gluing. Hope to catch up at Silverstone. Title: Re: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: Jay on 11 July, 2015, 01:05:57 PM It looks like for series 2 GTs cars, the wheel is screwed/bolted to the boss and on my car at least the heads are ground down, so no way of separating the wheel and boss without some major machining. Much to my surprise, I read about it but never tried it, the boss/hub slides up and down on the steering column spline to adjust the wheel distance, so removing the circlip lets the wheel and boss slide straight off.
Plus few pictures of before and after of the wheel. Title: Re: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: frankxhv773t on 12 July, 2015, 05:33:28 PM What I nice job.
Title: Re: Steering Wheel Removal Post by: simonandjuliet on 12 July, 2015, 06:44:42 PM Lovely, like the "ebony" spots !