Title: "Just a monkey guv'nor, honest"..........as they say across La Manche Post by: Parisien on 13 September, 2015, 08:40:02 AM And thats euro......
http://www.leboncoin.fr/voitures/853622966.htm?ca=11_s P Title: Re: "Just a monkey guv'nor, honest"..........as they say across La Manche Post by: fay66 on 13 September, 2015, 10:38:01 PM And thats euro...... http://www.leboncoin.fr/voitures/853622966.htm?ca=11_s Piy it's not nearer as the bumpers are worth more than that each! Lots of good spares, but it looks restorable, a closer look needed. Brian 8227 8) |