Title: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: davidwheeler on 13 September, 2015, 03:27:36 PM Anyone know what happened?
http://www.bonhams.com/auctions/22725/lot/338/ Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: Dikappa on 13 September, 2015, 03:51:25 PM It did not sell, but would like to know the highest bid!
Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: Sebastien on 28 September, 2015, 05:06:55 PM It sold after the auction, for 107'000 £.
Link above has been updated with the sales price. Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: davidwheeler on 29 September, 2015, 01:07:59 PM Worth knowing for insurance purposes!
Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: LanciaThema8.32 on 29 September, 2015, 06:50:24 PM We need members with cars like that in the Club! Hopefully this car might show up one day
Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: Dilambdaman on 29 September, 2015, 09:37:29 PM We need members with cars like that in the Club! Hopefully this car might show up one day Over 70 Lambdas listed in the current club register but we don't see them at club events often other than John Millham, Mike Wheeler and Don Williamson. The Sliding Pillar Rally usually attracts a few. Only 3 Dilambdas in the register :D Robin Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: davidwheeler on 01 October, 2015, 08:50:48 AM I just drive mine - good for shopping trips. See you all in Fobello.
Title: Re: IVth series at Bonham's Post by: DavidLaver on 01 October, 2015, 10:50:58 AM I loved the picture of Brian's Flavia Sport with a seagull on the roof more for it being parked next to "ordinary" cars than anything else. Its rare to see a picture of one, all the more for it NOT being on a Sliding Pillar Rally or at an AGM or in a show hall. Could you indulge me with a photo of your Lambda "out and about"? Do the VSCC call these "kerbside encounters"? David |