Title: Fulvia Series 2 Rear Bulb Holder Assembly Post by: Tim Ray on 19 September, 2015, 05:25:41 PM Hello
Can anybody help me out please. I need a Rear Bulb Assembly, passenger side for LHD, in good useable condition. My spares all seem to have cracks, studs or inserts missing. I don't need the rubber cover or plastic lens. I'm in the UK for a few days from next weekend. Please contact me at ray.tim@wanadoo.fr with details Off to Angoulême tomorrow for Les Circuits Des Remparts. Always a great day out. Best Wishes Tim Title: Re: Fulvia Series 2 Rear Bulb Holder Assembly Post by: simonandjuliet on 19 September, 2015, 07:57:32 PM Enjoy Angouleme - up there with Goodwood Revival for me