Title: Lancia Flaminia body, am sure theres more to this than stated! Post by: Parisien on 15 October, 2015, 06:14:47 PM http://olx.pt/anuncio/carroaria-lancia-flaminia-IDybOff.html#fc6036feee
P Title: Re: Lancia Flaminia body, am sure theres more to this than stated! Post by: williamcorke on 16 October, 2015, 08:53:59 AM Perhaps the engine and transaxle were removed to use in an Aurelia B20 Outlaw. ;)
Title: Re: Lancia Flaminia body, am sure theres more to this than stated! Post by: Parisien on 16 October, 2015, 09:45:00 AM Perhaps the engine and transaxle were removed to use in an Aurelia B20 Outlaw. ;) Merely a theory Will............but......... 8) P |