Title: Advice: S1 Clutch plate and trust release bearing + water pump Post by: Andrew1950 on 22 October, 2015, 10:34:33 AM Hi
Would anyone have a new S1 clutch plate + trust, release bearing + water pump? Omicron is beyond my budget! Alternatively, some company that could reline the old clutch plate pads + recondition the thrust release bearing? Hope to hear from someone! Many thanks Title: Re: Advice: S1 Clutch plate and trust release bearing + water pump Post by: Richard Fridd on 22 October, 2015, 02:03:40 PM EF Breen in Maidstone can reline I think
Title: Re: Advice: S1 Clutch plate and trust release bearing + water pump Post by: Jay on 22 October, 2015, 03:20:46 PM No expert on Fulvia clutches.
Precision Clutch Components Ltd can refurbish and reline clutch disc and maybe the bearing, you have to give them the pad thickness you require, but he knows his stuff. If the other surfaces are damage, your local machinist could skim the plate and flywheel (housing). Then I would get the whole assembly balanced, but that could be overkill. Title: Re: Advice: S1 Clutch plate and trust release bearing + water pump Post by: Andrew1950 on 22 October, 2015, 04:34:44 PM Thank you both for your advice.
I'll give it a few days and if no one replies, I guess it's Omicron! No joy yet on an S1 engine. Mechanic called today to say he stripped the engine only to discover cracked pistons + a cracked block which he suspects due to cold weather. Pity Lancia hadn't the foresight to fit engine frost plugs. Thanks again Title: Re: Advice: S1 Clutch plate and trust release bearing + water pump Post by: Richard Fridd on 22 October, 2015, 05:27:06 PM Used condition pistons and blocks etc in my autojumble store, if of interest.