Title: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: Sebastien on 25 October, 2015, 05:57:49 PM What looks to be a very nice original car, well photographed:
http://www.gulfblue.it/#!lancia-fulvia-coupe-13-hf/c1pt0 No relation to the seller, etc.. Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: dannels on 26 October, 2015, 12:46:32 PM Very nice
"One careful owner" ;) Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: Parisien on 26 October, 2015, 01:39:10 PM Very nice "One careful owner" ;) I always laugh at ads with all the trite and cringeworthy cliches......but sometimes thats what buyers want to hear/believe/hope for. P Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: fay66 on 26 October, 2015, 03:24:03 PM Who would ever dream that glass in the windows was for looking out of ::)
hope there isn't a tree hidden by them. brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: lancialulu on 26 October, 2015, 04:15:34 PM Who would ever dream that glass in the windows was for looking out of ::) Brian, no offence but I know from experience those rear quarter-lights on a coupe are pretty useless for looking out of but great for stickers!! Well, on my car anyway. Different for a Berlina as seating is much more above the waistline of the car....hope there isn't a tree hidden by them. brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: frankxhv773t on 26 October, 2015, 05:45:46 PM Interesting that it has been used for "regularity races". I thought the whole point of regularity events was that they weren't races.
Title: Re: Lancia Fulvia 1,3 HF Post by: fay66 on 26 October, 2015, 08:47:43 PM Who would ever dream that glass in the windows was for looking out of ::) Brian, no offence but I know from experience those rear quarter-lights on a coupe are pretty useless for looking out of but great for stickers!! Well, on my car anyway. Different for a Berlina as seating is much more above the waistline of the car....hope there isn't a tree hidden by them. brian 8227 8) It hadn't registered ::) that it's a lhd and wouldn't be a problem for the driver being where they are. Brian 8227 8) |